it was everything i could have asked for.
they sang more songs than i thought possible to fit into a concert
and both of them were on the crowd at certain points.
yes literally.
tyler (lead singer, to the left) was being held up be the hands of the fans.
keeping his balance, he sang while standing up there.
josh (drummer, to the right) was standing with his drums,
on a platform that was also held by the screaming fans.
his drumming was deafening.
and incredible.
it took two hours for them to finally get on stage.
we went through two opening bands,
and an hour worth of stage setting up and tearing down.
i worried my way through those two hours,
trying to find a better place to see,
complaining about the tall people in front of me,
and telling the girl beside me i wished i could wear heels to see better.
it was hot and suffocating, and the adrenaline rushes i got during those hours of waiting,
both in line and the crowd, were exhausting and exhilarating.
tyler and josh were incredible.
being just two of them, they know how to put on a show.
they involved the crowd in the songs,
and cared for their well being.
it was such a small venue that with the heat and pressing bodies,
we had a couple people pass out.
the first time someone did,
tyler stopped the show to make sure she was alright.
and at the end, after their encore, confetti, and drum off,
they stood their bowing and,
if my eyes didn't deceive me,
my favorite line, that they say at every show,
that proves the heart of their band,
is the one they say before they leave the stage
for the last time:
we're twenty one pilots and so are you.
it's an experience i'll never forget,
memories that will last me a lifetime.
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this wasn't the concert i was at but who cares
down in the forest, we''ll sing a chorus, singing songs that nobody wrote. -forest | twenty one pilots // via |