Since I have only recently become a blogger, I have never done this tag. Though, I've heard it's been very popular in the past. =)
We're supposed to list eleven random facts about ourselves, answer the eleven the person who tagged us came up with, come up with eleven of our own for the people we tag, and then tag eleven people.
Thus, the 11 random facts about myself. =D
2) I'm a brunette
3) I like making people smile
4) I love having talks with my big brother
5) I play the piano, and love doing so
6) My motto for books and movies is 'Never judge a book by it's movie'
7) I'm beginning to understand why Peter Pan never wanted to grow up
8) I love Charles Dickens' writing
9) I recently burned dinner and cookies within 2 days (the dinner was extremely embarrassing)
10) I have a very hard time controlling my laughter... especially when I'm laughing with a friend.
11) I'm very good at mispronouncing words that people use in books but not so often in this day-in-age. And foreign names... very bad at pronouncing those.
Here are my answers to the 11 random questions that Melody has created for us to answer:
1) What email server is your favorite? (You know, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)
Gmail. I used to use Comcast, but Gmail is way better!
2) Which place in your own country do you most long to visit?
Actually I think Maryland would be an awesome place to visit!
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Fort McHenry,Maryland. The fort that defended Baltimore against the British invasion in the War of 1812, and the birthplace of the National Anthem. |
3) Who was the last person you emailed?
Um.. I'm not sure, but probably one of my closest friends who I'm constantly emailing - poor girl!
4) Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?
My brother's friend who called to talk to him.
5) What is your favorite candy, chocolate excluded?
This is really hard... I think I'll have to go with frozen Milk Duds. (That's not chocolate, right?)
That's what I always get when I go to the movie theaters (which is really rare) so it's got memories. =D
6) Within the next...oh, say, six months, what are you looking forward to the most? (As in, general life event)
No school? Summer... oh! This year is a big salmon run in our river, so we have relatives come and we all fish for a solid week. One of the coolest weeks of the entire year. (well, it's every two years, but yea.)
7) Hardcover or softcover books?
uh... I think I'll have to say softcover. Though I have a couple books that I love as hardcover. =) Soft cover are more personal and 'cozy up next to the fire' books to me.
What's your favorite quote about...
What's your favorite quote about...
8) Friendship?
This one. It so applies to a couple of my friends. x)
This one. It so applies to a couple of my friends. x)
I actually have several favorite quotes about music, but one of my favorites is:
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Though sometimes I don't have to be sad just serious. x) |
10) Books?
This one.... It's very true. =)
Jump into defense. If they don't know me that well they soon will! If someone criticizes something I love, it's very likely I've defended it before and have a very thought out argument. =)
Here are my Eleven (random) Questions for the people I will tag:
1) What's your eye color?
2) Narnia or Lord of the Rings?
3) Are you a brunette, blond, red head, or other?
4) Would you rather live in the city or the country?
5) Are you an early bird or a night owl?
6) What was the last book you read?
7) Do you like tea, coffee or niether?
8) What's your favorite instrument? Do you play it?
9) Cat or dogs? Why?
10) If you've read or watched Little Women then: Are you more like Meg, Jo, Beth, or Amy?
11) If you could go to one of the three scenes described in the following sentences, which would you choose?
A cute cottage over looking a lake with the sun setting softly, and a loon calling in the distance, while you're sitting cuddling a puppy. A grand castle with beautiful gardens surrounding it, while you're headed down in a pretty gown to a grand feast, lots of friends, and dancing. Or a big vineyard in Italy, the sun starting to set throwing pretty light on the hundreds of rows, while you're heading eagerly towards a large house where the sound of laughter and teasing come drifting from the windows, glowing with the light within.
Now for the 11 people I tagged. I'm eagerly awaiting your answers! Though anyone is welcome to answer them using a comment!
Little Lady
Little Lady
I would love it for anyone to answer my questions even if I haven't tagged you, just leave them in a comment! I hope you enjoyed learning random things about me. =)